Alexander Fokin

Born 15.05. 1958

1981 graduated from the Penza Art College  KA Savitsky, picturesque pedagogical department.
1987 graduated from Leningrad higher art-industrial school named after V. I. Mukhina.
1987-97 worked as chief artist of a glass factory in Nikolsk, Russia.
Since 1995 member of the Union of Artists of Russia.
2005 laureate of the 4th international Symposium of engraved glass in Kamenetsky šenov city of the Czech Republic.
2007 title of Honored artist of Russia.
He has the title of corresponding member of the Russian Academy of Arts.
Honorary citizen of the city of Nikolsk, Penza region.
Author's works are in The State Hermitage Museum , Saint Petersburg , in the Russian Museum of decorative-applied and folk art, Moscow, in the Russian Academy of arts, Moscow, in Elagin Palace Museum, Moscow, in Nikolsk Museum of glass and crystal, in State Historical-Architectural and Art Museum-Reserve "Kazan Kremlin" center "Hermitage-Kazan", a museum-estate "Kuskovo", Moscow, at the Museum of Ceramics and Glass in Panevezys, Lithuania, in the Museum of glass, Kamenetsky of Šenov, Czech Republic, in private collections in Russia, Germany, Austria, Czech Republic, Luxembourg, Lithuania,United States of America .